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During my presidency, I pledge to carry out every point of my 15-point plan outlined here.  I will continue to advocate for the same initiatives as student leaders in the past including mandatory diversity education, increased GWorld vendors and renovation of the MSSC. Members of the Student Association have more autonomy than most, and should use their connections to pursue student-led initiatives that can then be institutionalized at the university level. 

Washington Monument
Institutional Change

Goal 1: Organize first annual student-led Women of Color Conference and Men of Color Conference inviting DCPS high school students to attend sessions hosted by university students and engage in professional development, peer networking, and mentorship opportunities
Goal 2: Implement no-cost short-term mental health program through Colonial Health Center Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offering 6-8 free targeted counseling sessions to students per academic year
Goal 3: Create fund for Low-Income Student Scholarship to cover remaining financial burden for students who demonstrate financial need
Goal 4: Expand Founding Scholars first-generation student program to offer stipend for course requirements and match students with FWS employers prior to campus arrival
Goal 5: Advocate for mandatory diversity and multiculturalism course requirement

Pink Blossom
Inclusive Culture

Goal 1: Develop peer education prevention program in coordination with the Office for Advocacy and Support to hold sessions with student organizations raising awareness of issues relating to sexual violence
Goal 2: Establish diversity peer education program in collaboration with the Office for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement (ODECE) and the Multicultural Student Services Center (MSSC)
Goal 3: Organize Interfaith Dinner and Dialogue and film series to promote mutual understanding and respect among campus communities
Goal 4: Host annual student-led LGBTQIA+ Health and Advocacy Conference (LHAC) to support and uplift the LGBTQIA+ campus communities by providing support and information services around advocacy, and mental, behavioral, and sexual health
Goal 5: Reform student code of conduct and SA bylaws, and encourage student organizations to revise constitutions to hold student leaders accountable for impeachable offenses

Library Book Shelves
Innovative Collaboration

Goal 1: Issue executive order establishing a Reopening Task Force to participate in conversations with University Leadership about Fall 2021 Reopening plan
Goal 2: Offer opportunities for engagement with entire student body through Ice Cream Social and Senior Send-Off Celebration
Goal 3: Collaborate with service orgs and GW's Athletic Department to offer fundraising events centered around mental health promotion and physical activity 
Foggy 5k Run/Walk: Fundraiser for DCPS and open invitation
Hoops for Humanity: Fundraiser for DC Homeless Population
Goal 4: Advocate for designated on-campus space for graduate student professional development activities and create "Director of Graduate Student Affairs" position in Executive Cabinet (EC)
Goal 5: Facilitate greater transparency between the SA and the student body by publishing monthly statements from the President detailing the SA's progress in meeting the stated initiatives

Previous Written Proposals
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